NECTA Time Table 2022 Form Four PDF Download
NECTA Time Table 2022 Form Four, CSEE Exam Time Table 2022, Form Four (CSEE) Exam Dates (Ratiba ya Mtihani Kidato cha nne 2022), Form Four (CSEE) Exam Time Table 2022. Find the latest information about NECTA Form Four (CSEE) Exam time table for the academic year of 2022, Here are the some of the latest information about Form Four (CSEE) Examination by NECTA time table announcement, exam starting (17 th October – 02 th November, 2022. All the students who are eagerly waiting for date sheet announcement.
NECTA New Form 4 Timetable 2022 PDF Download
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania.
The decision to establish NECTA was a follow-up of an earlier move, in April 1971, when Tanzania Mainland pulled out of the East African Examinations Council (EAEC) to conduct her own examinations. Zanzibar pulled out of EAEC in 1970. Before the pull out, between 1968 and 1971, Tanzania sat for foreign Secondary School Examinations conducted jointly by the East African Syndicate, which before then were conducted by the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate alone. The Examinations conducted by the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate then were the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate Examinations. The School Certificate Examinations was taken by the African Students for the first time in 1947 and that of the Higher School Certificate in 1960.
- Attention is called to ‘Notice to Candidates’ overleaf.
- Where contradictions arise; day, time and duration shown on the question paper should be adhered to.
- Examination will continue as scheduled even if it falls on a Public Holiday.
- You are required to appear for the examination(s) at the centre(s) under which you are registered unless otherwise advised by the Council in writing.
- You are required to observe all instructions given to you by the Supervisor, Invigilators or Officers of the Council responsible for the conduct of the examinations.
- You are required to attend punctually at the time shown on your timetable. If you arrive more than half an hour late for an examination, you will not be admitted.
- After the first half-hour, you may leave as soon as you have finished your paper and handed in the script to the Supervisor/Invigilator.
- You may leave the room temporarily at any time after the first half-hour but only with the permission of the invigilator.
- You may bring into the examination room only instruments which are specifically permitted. If you are suspected of cheating or attempting to cheat, or assisting someone else to cheat, the facts will be reported to the Council.
- You may in consequence be disqualified from the examination and excluded from all future examinations of the Council.
- Any notes or other unauthorized material found in the examination room may be retained by the Council at its discretion.
- Communication, verbal or otherwise, between candidates is not allowed during the examination.
- If any candidate wishes to communicate with the invigilator he should raise his hand to attract attention.
- You must write your examination number correctly on every answer sheet of the answer booklet/answer sheet used.
- Using anybody else’s examination number is considered a case of dishonesty that may lead to cancellation of examination results.
- Names, initials or any other mark that would identify a candidate should never be written on answer books or sheets of paper.
- If you are found guilty of dishonesty in connection with the examination you may be disqualified in the entire examination.
- You should not write any notes on your question paper. Use the last pages of your answer booklet to do rough work but ensure that you cross to indicate that it is not something to be marked.
- You should not take anything from the examination room, unless instructed otherwise. You should not destroy any paper or material supplied in the examination room.
- Write in blue or black ink or ball pen. Draw in pencil.
- Smoking is not permitted in the examination room.
- Private candidates should produce a letter from the Council allowing them to sit for the particular examination at the prescribed center, otherwise they will not be allowed to sit for examination.
- However, they are strictly not allowed to write anything in their letters.
- The examination will continue as scheduled even if it falls on a public holiday.
- During preparations of Practical examinations, the area around laboratories must be restricted and all candidates must be held in the special room(s) from 7:00 a.m. to the time of starting examination.
HOW TO DOWNLOAD NECTA New Form Four Timetable 2022
- Visit NECTA Website:
- Click on ‘Examination Timetable’
- Click on ‘Download’
- Download & Save.
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For more information or inquiries, visit the National Examination Council of Tanzania’s official website